
Alita (Berserker Body)(563)

Alita: Battle Angel - This pop is from the movie that released in February of 2019. It is based on the Alita graphic novels and there are two books released, one being a novelization of the film and the other a prequel to the events in the movie. I thought the character was really cool, I have a oversized poster of the movie that I got from working at the theatre. In March of 2019 I got a new kitten who I named Alita.

Alita is a fighter that was rebuilt and given new life in the world below the floating city. She is like, mostly cyborg parts. The Berserker Body is the cyborg body she finds lost in an old abandoned flying aircraft that crashed into some water. It is apparently, her original fighting body from like at least 100 years ago. I wanted at least one of these pops and I had difficulty finding one at the time of release. It could have been that Funko releases a lot of pops before the release of the movie and can often be sold out by the time the movie actual comes to theatres. Things have changed since then but it really depends on the license,

Joanna (711)

Office Space - Where's your flair? The movie was great back in the day. I haven't watched it in a hot minute, but it was memorable enough to make me pick up this pop for $4 from Barnes & Noble.

The box isn't in great condition, but it's alright. Joanna was played by Jennifer Aniston and this pop captures her character pretty well. It evokes the memory of her working as a waitress and feeling forced to wear extra flair to appease her boss.  Will I go out of my way for the rest of the set? Maybe, but it's very low priority.

Emily (1370)

Corpse Bride - This is a blacklight variant of Emily from Corpse Bride. I've seen the movie and I know it was pretty good, because it's a Tim Burton movie. I really like the colors used with this variation.  That's really the only reason I wanted this one, it's cute.

Pennywise (1437)

It - Pretty creepy performance from Bill Skarsgard. Lot of cinematic choices made certain things scarier. The projector scene had the scariest jump scare. This little dance was wild because of the stabilization.  Always love watching these movies with Rebecca and Alex.

This is a specialty series exclusive. Supposedly ment for small businesses? I only see them in major stores so I don't know. I got mine from Amazon for a low price. I see it on Barnes & Noble as well. I found the Aragorn specialty pop in store at BAM! There were only a few. The Cart Titan from Attack on Titan seems to be harder to find at a low price.

Brachiosaurus (1443)

Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary - I have missed out the previous Jurassic Park pops. The Dilophosaurus or whatever, came out for the 25th anniversary and that would be another cool one to have. Jurassic Park came out when I was a kid and I remember seeing it in the front row of the movie theatre, but I don't remember much else. I was always into dinosaurs as a child.

The Brachiosaurus was like, the first dinosaur they show in the movie, and they play the Jurassic Park theme song when they do it and it was pretty remarkable.  They were ginormous. This pop is a 6" "deluxe" pop that stands slightly taller than the average pop. It is pretty basic, they should have gone all out and made it a jumbo 10" pop.