Thomas Nelson Jr.
A place for organizing my stuff that isn't in one, long timeline. It's in many.
Recent updates
Next puzzle project
Gundam Aerial, from the Witch From Mercury anime.
February 8th, 2025
Picked up the Pablo Villalobos variant of Psylocke #3 from January 29th, 2025.
February 8th, 2025
I got my first Lego set to try.
Da Vinci's Flying Machine.
February 8th, 2025
Alleria Windrunner, from World of Warcraft, is the most recent addition to my funko pop collection.
6/5/2024 - Feels like I've been really busy, but I've really just been working and living. I'm on night 5 of 7 of closing at work in a row. This is all leading up to me being off on Friday-Monday for Ava's graduation and party which Stacey is coming in for. Also, Rebecca and Alex will be in town for Sunday and Monday as they will be attending Alex's sister's wedding. So a lot to look forward to. Hopefully I will have time the following week to document some of the events and maybe update on my day-to-day life as well.
3/1/2024 - Long road trip to Colorado was the 18th to the 27th,
Tyler and Amy got married on the 29th, today, but it's 2am.
1/9/2024 - A long rough draft about physical health.
12/11/23 - Music page created. David Bowie subpage added.
-God Loki Funko added.
12/5/2023 - Cyber Monday Funko Mystery Box
My Life Story Page added with Cats subpage.
12/3/2023 3D Printing and Funkos
3D Printing has begun with Goblin Slayer Helmet.
I have, yet again, got a fuckload of funkos.
11/17/2023 art & crafts
3d Printer arrived, I've set it up and everything but the filament used to make prints didn't ship with the printer. So I'm messing around with Blender to try and make my own 3d models. I'm going to try printing some free prints out first. I want to make the Goblin Slayer helmet.
I've ordered a 3d printer so I can printout some stuff for cosplay and maybe some figures. It's going to be fun to play with.
Updates 11/11/2023
I have been working at Dominos since September as a delivery driver. I make a decent amount from tips on the weekends and it's not really that bad during the week either. The loan I took out for starting a business ran out, so now I just have to pay it back. I'm living with my parents at their home until at least 2025. That's when the loan will be paid off. I have other debts, too, and if I were to pay them off early there is a chance of having more saved before 2025. However, I am really good at spending money on things I want. I'm trying to reduce the amount of Funko Pops I buy but I still fall for the sales that make them seem more appealing. Black Friday and Cyber Monday will definitely be on my radar. There are a few movies and such I want to get as well. I've already preordered some books I want up until April. I'd like to try and change my focus to art. I would like to do some cosplay stuff, too. I need to save some money for February because I'm going to Colorado to visit my sister and see the Silver Sun Pickups live again. Also, my sister got the VIP package, so we get to do some extra cool stuff this time around. My body is fighting something off, I've felt it for the past two days or so. So far, I haven't gotten any major symptoms but, I've felt on the edge of congestion. It's either going to be a slow drive into being really sick or hopefully, I just manage to get by with some minor issues.
I bought Barbie and the Flash on 4k. I'm keeping on eye on Blue Beetle and Oppenheimer for when they drop below $20. I'm also checking out Super Mario Bros. but would probably wait for that to be closer to $10.
I'm going to see The Marvels next week as long as I'm not feeling worse. I like going to see the Marvel movies at the IMAX. I'm thinking of seeing the 3D showing on Tuesday because of the showtimes. I like to go around 3 or 4, since I'm not up until 1pm.
There aren't any other movies I'm interested in at this time, but I'm sure that'll change.
So, a while back I finished the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Anime. That was a fun ride. I really enjoyed the stories.
I've been casually watching Inuyasha when I make dinner. I'm nearing the end of season 4 right now. I already got 3 funko pops since I started watching the show... I tend to check out pops when I'm currently watching a show. Inuyasha is sort of a romantic isekai with demons and spirits. It's got a good enough voice acting crew to keep it mildly interesting. It's not terrible but it is definitely pretty tame and drawn out, lol. However, there is a little cat that turns into a demon, and she is the greatest. She's Kirara.
I was watching a show called Travelers on Netflix. It had a really interesting story about people from the future returning to the past by taking over a person's mind just before they were supposed to die. It was pretty tough to watch at first, but the characters started to grow on me. It was cancelled after 3 seasons though, but at least they got some kind of ending.
The Attack on Titan anime just aired the final episode on November 5th. That was pretty intense. I really enjoyed the way they wrapped the show up. I started watching the show a long time ago during seasons 1 and 2, but went back recently to get caught up. I definitely liked in the beginning when there was still a lot more mystery about what the hell was going on, but it is still a really good show.
The Witch from Mercury or whatever was a cool anime that Alex recommended. The art style was very clean and the darkness to the story was really what made the show work.
I'd like to point out now that I strongly believe that if I watch a show in Japanese, the overall vibe from the show doesn't feel childish, I'm looking at Naruto specifically. The way I interpret what I read comes across as humorous and I don't end up judging the voice actors too much. There's the thing with Goku's japanese voice being strange and, in that case, the english dubbed version was actually really good. I guess that part varies.
Secret Invasion or whatever with Nick Fury on Disney. I enjoy all the Marvel stuff, it's always uplifting to me. This show also had Emilia Clarke in it, so that was neat.
Loki Season 2 just ended this week. I loved it. I really like the Loki story they've developed. It might be my favorite of the Marvel TV series they've done so far.
Goblin Slayer season 2. This is the anime I got into after reading an article in a magazine about it. I really liked the characters and the plot. They are all RPG characters, and they go on quests. The first season was pretty different from what I've seen so far in season 2. The main character seems to have a different voice or maybe i haven't seen the show in a while. I've got the Goblin Slayer mangas and the story doesn't go quite the way the show is, but it's pretty close. Goblin Slayer just seems more of a hardass then just someone focused on killing goblins to protect people. I mean, he is doing that, but it just seems like he's more human and less socially awkward. Maybe that's character growth. I haven't finished reading them all either. In my mind, this is my favorite anime of this time in my life. Obviously, Dragonball Z was my first favorite.
Upload season 3 is airing now. I didn't really enjoy this show at first, but the plot, once again, kept me watching. People get uploaded into a virtual world when they die or they can, if they can afford it. It's got good production quality.
The Fall of the House of Usher. Very cool show, really enjoying each episode. I feel really bad for one of the characters after watching the last episode I saw. I'm nearing the end.
I forgot to mention Good Omens 2 under TV, I enjoy the show, it's about angels and demons and it's funny.
I've been reading the Hades x Persephone romance novels and am on book 3 so far. I have the next one on my shelf and the 5th one is on preorder. I like the plot being about gods coming to earth. Hades is a cool dark guy and Persephone is coming into her powers. It's not the best writing I've ever read, it's not high-brain stuff, but it's a nice, easy read that I can pick up anytime I have free time.
Alice in Borderland manga series. I finished volume 7, volume 8 comes out in December. I like the story. I watched the show on netflix once and I wanted to read it.
Goblin Slayer. I am, behind on the books, but I have them. I think i need to read 12 and 13. There's also two side stories that I have. It's the only series I actively buy the mangas for, well, Alice in Borderland is another one, so I guess between those two, that's all I get. But I picked up the first 3 of Attack on Titan for real cheap too,
Sandman the graphic novel. I'm still on the first volume. I really enjoyed the show and so here I am reading it. The art style was a little strange to me at first but I haven't thought anything of it now. He just met with his sister, Death. The show followed that pretty closely.
Video Games
I haven't been playing too much lately. I played a lot during my time off from work, but here is what I have been playing a little.
Overwatch 2. Blizzard released some co-operative missions and some training missions. Then there was also some stuff to do with halloween. I'm not really too upset with the way they do battle passes. If I like the theme, I might buy it but otherwise I just play normally. I've kind of decided to stop buying any character skins as it seems silly when you're playing 1st person perspective for the most part. I really liked the RPG battle pass with dungeon and dragons theme. I could have skipped the next pass but at the very end, I picked it up since I had everything completed anyway, plus I used the points to unlock the remaining missions. I got the current battle pass because it's spooky themed and there's a cool echo skin. I haven't been keeping up with it so I should play a little this coming week. I might play it once a week or not at all. I've been playing games, maybe, one day if at all so what game I play might vary.
I have a subsciption for WoW still, it's a 6 month sub and I think it goes until at least december. There's a promotion going on for a 12 month sub that includes a giant murloc mount and a moon beast or something. I usually want all the mounts but I haven't been completely interested in them at the moment. I would like to get them but it's also money that I need to save for right now. If I didn't have bills I'd buy it right away since I usually pay for it anyway. We'll see, it's usually a time constrained promotion though. I missed the last one for a giant green murloc mount. Again, it's all silly. There are so many mounts at this point, it's just a collector's mindset. I might never ride some of my mounts ever again, but I do like them. It's also a tough game to keep up with. It's neverending and they've planned out the next 3 expansions to be part of one big saga. I'd like to imagine that when I retire, I could spend all the time I want playing games. So should I stock up on the mounts now? Yes, but I need to manage my money first. I do enjoy when the new content comes out, but I'm more interested in other entertainment right now. I played one day in all of October. I hopped on 2 days ago to check out the new trading post items. I will play at some point to get my 500 trader points so I can buy whatever mounts they drop next month. I picked up the Zhevra this month, which is an old, retired mount from the Recruit-a-friend program from a while back. It's nice to be able to get a lot of the old retired mounts. There is some loss of value when the mount doesn't seem as rare anymore. They released the spectral gryphon this month too, and that's one I got from doing the revive a friend thing, where I had to get someone to come back to wow using a scroll or something. That's one I thought was pretty rare but now, we can all enjoy it. I'm looking forward to diving into the raid that came out recently.
FFXIV online. Okay, I love that I have a property, a house in a live virtual game, that I can decorate to an extent. It cost me like $120 in real money to jump ahead and actually afford the lot to begin with. It also took me a year to actually win a lottery for the property. Now. I have to login with 45 days of my last visit to my house or it will be demolished. I like the game, but I have really been focusing on rearranging my areas in the house, collecting funko pops, work, working out, making meals, it's a lot to do to make sure I eat well and get enough sleep. So, I hop on this game to do some fishing or work on crafting. I did tree chopping last time so I can get my woodworking up. It's the closest thing to Runescape I'll ever do.
Fortnite. I liked it for a while. They had a whole lot of Marvel crossovers going on. Then there was some DC crossovers with Batman. I even got a lot of the skins they released, but now, it's gone completely into the new age, I guess. First of all, almost all of the new skins are in-house characters. They had a lot of anime characters released and I did get Kakashi and naruto. Even Goku. It was a crazy time, but then they started recycling the same ones. Then I saw less and less new skins, and just more of the same. The gameplay got too much. There was just endless tasks, which I love, but it really wasn't getting me anything anymore. They really made Fortnite into it's own game and so the crossovers slowed down and those were what made me want to play it more. They did spiderman and then like, more spiderman stuff. I don't know what happened. I used to check the store a lot to see what new skins were out, but meh. I used to look forward to the christmas time because of the holiday skins, but I did kind of buy all the ones I want.
PUBG. I reminisce of the time when I loved this game. I played it one day recently. It was okay. I didn't, really, play it. I get murdered so fast by people who have actually been playing the game, still, for all these years. I really wish they had better character models. They showcase them in the store like they're high quality but they do not match the in-game skins. It's sad, but at least the gameplay is closer to realism then Fortnite, which is thrilling sometimes. Probably will play this once in a while.
The Hunter. Is always coming back to me but I can never find the right time to play it. I used to play it in the morning when I woke up but I don't wake up in the true morning, so it never feels quite right. It's just fun to walk around the wilderness and see what I come across.
So, I haven't really played much but I still had an eye out for some games.
Super Mario Wonder. I read something where someone compared it to Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros. 3. So that's saying a lot. I tried the demo at Target and it turned me into a big elephant man, which sounds funny when I put it that way. I felt very childish but maybe Mario would have been more childish if they had the power back then to do what they can now. So, i am, seeing if it goes on sale during black friday since I have some gamestop points to spend, however I might choose a different game intead.
Sonic Superstars. Seems like an old school version with 3d models doing the sidescroll stuff, i'd like to try it out, but it definitely doesn't have to be anytime soon.
Assassin's Creed Mirage. Sounds super cool, I love a good assassins creed game. I was playing origins when I had more time but haven't picked it up since I've been working. I've read a review that said it wasn't that great, which is sad, but I doubt i'd be turned off by the game. I just like being a sneaky guy doing sneaky things. I have a lot more of Origins to playthrough, and then there's the greek one, whatever that was, I own that one already. Then I need to play Valhalla, so really, I probably won't get around to Mirage until I'm at least 40 years old.
10/31/2023 Yesterday, I carved a pumpkin. I don't have other plans for Halloween, but that's fine.
10/26/2023 New Funkos arrived from the 2023 Fall Convention & some extras.