Tommy's Funkos
Collecting all the tiny figures of my favorite characters across all different forms of media.
Alleria Windrunner
Alleria is a central character in the War Within expansion of World of Warcraft. She is the older sister of Sylvanas Windrunner. Alleria is a void elf, formally a blood elf. She is an archer.
12/11/23 God Loki Arrived
This is a deluxe pop, 6 inches tall. It is an exclusive from the funko website. It depicts Loki from the final episode of Loki Season Two. Funko was announcing a new pop each week as the episodes aired and I was excited to see what the last pop was going to be. I was hoping for a Loki that wasn't just him in his business atire and this is what I hoped for. I would have been happy with a normal size pop of him just walking or just standing in this outfit. They put him on the throne but he's not holding the timelines so it's not exactly perfect. Still, I am happy to finally have this one in my collection.
There's one pop I have left pre-ordered and it's from the Loki show as well. It's another deluxe figure but it's of Mobius' variant, Don, on a Jetski or personal watercraft. I used my target points to reduce the price by a lot. It's scheduled for release in January 2024. It's a fun pop but I really just don't have room for Deluxe figures. They don't stack on most of my shelves, so they end up take up the space of 4 regular sized pops.
12/5/23 Funko Mystery Box
This was a Cyber-Monday release that included one bedtime freddy funko, a random with purpose pop, and 4 other random exclusives from their website. I paid about $25 dollars altogether for the box.
Bedtime Freddy & Proto - Freddy is the Funko mascot and Proto is his dog. I actually like this pop because I love sleep.
Venus Williams - This was the with purpose, pop. $10 went to Color Compton. I'm happy that I know who Venus is and I didn't end up with someone I didn't know.
Obi-Wan Kenobi - This looks like a Clone Wars pop and he actually has a light saber, which my other Kenobi, from his TV show, doesn't have. I like Obi-Wan so I'm happy enough with this pull.
Tinkerbell - This is a facet funko pop which means it looks like it's made of gems. I did want a facet pop to showcase but I did just order Mickey Mouse to fill that role. Tinkerbell was actually my second choice, so this is okay. I have one other Tinkerbell pop already.
Indiana Jones - I've never really got excited about Indiana Jones. I don't know why, but it is a pretty cool pop. He's surrounded by snakes. I haven't seen the new Indiana Jones, but I assume this is Harrison Ford, which is acceptable. I'm only sad that the box has some damage on the front.
Barry Allen - This was the obvious throw away pop they wanted to pawn off on people. There was a special earlier this year that gave you the choice to get this pop for free if you spent a certain amount of money. When I saw The Flash movie, I did want to get a Barry Allen pop. So, I actually got the free Barry Allen already. I'd be happy with this pop if I didn't have it already.
From a collector's point of view, I'm displeased that they didn't package these pops with any protection, at all. Just 6 pops in a box. Indiana Jones has a slightly crushed box in the front. The Bedtime Freddy has corner damage on two ends, which is upsetting because that's the collectible, you can't get it outside of buying this box. The other pops are perfectly fine. Still, the total value of these pops is more than what I spent on the lot of them, but more so because I used a $20 off coupon. I have mixed feelings about mystery boxes. It's fun getting surprises but most of these pops can be purchased seperately, although some are $15 right now. I was worried about getting duplicates and I did end up with one, but it could have been much worse. The incentive here was that they were all going to be exclusives and a random with purpose pop. I probably wouldn't have thought about buying the Freddy if it just came with random funko pops because there are so many non-exclusive pops available all over the place with discounted prices.
12/3/23 I was holding back but then I went overboard on the funko pops.
Initially, I was going to cut back on pops. Instead, I just waited for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to get them for cheaper.
So, here's how it all went down.
Vash the Stampede with Kuroneko was sold out on a while ago but it came back on Black Friday/Cyber Monday and I was sad that I passed on it before.
Russel Wilson is on our fantasy football team and target had a special on buying two sports related things. The other was Lamar Jackson, and it's the home uniform that I wanted.
Moon Knight and Kevin came today in my first Marvel Collector's Corps box. It's a subscription from Amazon that drops every two months. I like marvel so I finally committed to buying a box. It came with a shirt and a pin, too.
Two Kakashis. Okay, this was sort of on a whim, but Tyler messaged me this morning with a picture of these two and he didn't know if I wanted them. I always wanted the chidori one and Anbu has a sweet outfit too. Anyway, they were at Party City and it was going out of business so I figured they would be discounted. I snagged them ten minutes before I had to be at work.
Skating Barbie and Ken from Hot Topic. I loved these outfits and there's a long story behind me getting a barbie pop. Basically, I ordered the Disco Barbie, then saw this and was like awww man, I should have waited. Then my package with disco barbie was lost in the mail and they had no more left to send me. Then this dropped for preorder on hot topic and I had to wait until yesterday for it to finally be delivered.
We don't talk about Bruno. I always wanted Bruno but then I saw they were releasing a new one this year. So i waited until it dropped on Boxlunch and picked it up,
Books a million had buy one get on half off type sale and they had one Willy Wonka on the shelf. I also wanted Photon because I had Captain Marvel and Mrs. Marvel from The Marvels movie already and she was the last one I needed.
I was upset that this Iron Man was sold out on the funko site during the black friday sale, but that's because Amazon was selling it for dirt cheap.
I really wanted a Hercules pop for some reason.
I saw The Marvels movie. I saw there was a Princess Carol pop Funko and couldn't find it online. I decided to run into a Walmart one day and to my surprise, they actually had this one. This was pretty much the only pop they had in-store, our Walmart almost never has any funkos anymore.
So that's pretty much all I've gotten lately. OH, and Sauron from Lord of the Rings. I preordered him from Boxlunch a while ago. I have a Cyber Monday Mystery Box coming in but I got it for $20 off because I used my points on Funko. OH, I also got Bahamut from Dungeons & Dragons at Gamestop. I was using discounts a lot. Anyway, I don't have any more Pops in mind besides one that I used my Target points to preorder, it comes in January, It's Don on a Jetski from Loki season 2. Also, and this is the last one I have ordered, it's one that I really, really wanted. It's Loki from the end of Season 2 and hopefully, I can hold back from buying anymore pops until April because I need to save for a trip to Colorado.
Black Friday, directly from, I picked up nine figures. Now, before you say anything, I actually had 3 of these on order already from EntertainmentEarth, but I cancelled that order because they were in-stock on funko and on sale. I'll go into detail on another page. Black Friday Funko Order. OH wait, this is the page for that. Well, nevermind. You can see each of these on seperate pages.
Cyclops, Lou Gehrig, Kiriko, Mickey Mouse, Stone Cold, Giancarlo Staunton, Junker Queen, Shazam!, Captain America.
11/13/2023 I had an order placed on Entertainment Earth for a bunch of common pops I've been wanting, I've been getting Anime pops, mostly Dragonball Z, and Overwatch 2 dropped 3 pops that I wanted to pick up. Then, Funko had a sale on their exclusive pops, and I limited myself to just 3 pops, for once. I also snagged the Leonidas pop from Amazon that I was waiting on. I think there was a discount or something, but I was waiting a while for that one. I was hoping for the chase variant but alas, it did not happen. So here are the Pops I ended up with so far.
Sigma from Overwatch 2
Louis from Interview with the Vampire
Buddy the Elf from Elf
Santa on Chair from Coca-Cola
Rennslayer with Miss Minutes from Loki
Super Saiyan Goku with Energy from Dragonball Z. It's Super Saiyan 2 but whatevs.
Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad
Toon Meowscles from Fortnite. I wanted one pop from Fortnite to commemorate my time playing it and I actually really like this skin in-game.
Entertainment Earth has 5 pops on backorder for me. Matt Hooper from Jaws. Giancarlo Stanton from the Yankees. Kiriko and Junker Queen from Overwatch 2. and Sora from Kingdom Hearts 3.
I also ordered Bahamut from Gamestop, it's a deluxe pop from Dungeons and Dragons, I just really like Dragon pops. Then, Gamestop did a special where if you ordered for pickup you could get $5 dollars of so I got Goku with Wings for like $10. Then I started to think I had a problem, but not enough to stop because I saw online that Target had the Reimagined Boba Fett in stock and I know they put them on shelf on Thursdays because they stopped me from buying Captain Marvel on a Tuesday because it wasn't suppoed to be out until Thursday. So I checked in-store and found the special shelf with Boba Fett in a cool retro looking figure and got him. Then went ahead and grabbed the best looking Captain Marvel that I tried to get like a month ago. I figured once I saw the movie, I'd probably want the pop anyway. I like getting the super heros, at least the main characters.
Since Loki Season 2 came out, they've announced a new pop each week the day after an episode aired. There is one of Owen Wilson's character on a jetski and it's so different that I preordered it using my target points so it only cost me like $12 and that's not until January. There is going to be a 2-pack with Loki and Mobius in old western outfits from the episode where they go back to get Victor Timely. So i'll get Victor and O.B. because I loved this show a lot. Also, probably Sylvie but they didn't announce any variants for any of them so they're mostly common pops. Which means, I could be patient and wait for most of them to be super cheap once they've been around long enough. The 2-pack is an exclusive to funko so it might be worth getting sooner rather than later. The jetski was a target exclusive and I see a lot of Target pops get sold out. They have a special friday funko thing going on at target and this week they released Batman (Million) and I was tempted to preorder it because it does look cool and I thought it'd sell out, but it hasn't and neither has the jetski. I figure if I see it in the store one day, maybe I'll buy it but I am really, really, thinking about dwindling down my Funko purchases. Loki Season 2 was really cool and I loved it very much. I'm definitely going to get the finale funko of God Loki on a throne, even though I don't think it's as cool as the actual ending of the show. I was hoping it would be a standard pop with Glow but it's a deluxe and no glow. Kind of a disappointment for all the build up. Even Don on the Jetski seems kind of silly, but it's such a long, ongoing thing with Mobius that it's too funny to ignore. I'm thinking that now I will wait for any common pops to go on sale cheap and only pick up exclusives from time to time.
I've preordered Sauron from Lord of the Rings, Glow in the dark, from Boxlunch. I'm hoping I eventually just hit a wall where I have most of the characters I'd like and won't get anymore.
Bruno from Encanto is coming out with a cool exclusive of him holding a prophecy that I really want. I've wanted Bruno for a while but have held off and this will be the one I get. It's not out yet for preorder but it should be coming soon for the Holidays.
Upcoming there will be Robin Hood pops from the Disney Version, and I'd like the two foxes. Robin Hood and the Lady. They're cute. There was just an announcement for 8 Yellowjackets pops and I'd like to get Misty and Jackie. Maybe just Misty, to be conservative.
There is a Mega pop of Loki, 18"tall on Funko for $110 which is crazy, but it might drop down to $70 on sale and I am crazy enough to want to own one Mega pop for my collection.
There hasn't been any announcements of a Winter Convention yet but I'm sure there will be a Loki pop of some kind. They did a Scare Fair event for Halloween and I'm thinking there's going to be another holiday fair maybe at boxlunch since Bruno is supposed to come out but who knows. Sometimes, like the Scare Fair, I have no idea it's coming. They just throw some pops out.
Funko Pops have been my obsession lately and it's really given me something to focus on outside of work. It's not video games and I enjoy collecting them. I probably won't shift my focus completely off of pops but I am going to try and work on art and crafts now. So maybe that will become my obsession.
11/3/2023 4 More Pops - Random Amazon order for discounted Funko pops. I really wanted to get the PUBG Lone Survivor because of how much I loved that game. The others just happened to be on sale at the time. Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop is trimming a bonsai tree and now I have the main cast of the show. Ladybug from Bullet Train was like five dollars and there was a chance of a chase variant. I wanted a Bambi pop but the only one easily available is from the Art Series. I didn't have any of the Art Series pops, so I figured for $7 I'd showcase an Art Series pop and Bambi.
The whole order was annoying. I have avoided Amazon in the past for Pop orders because of getting damaged boxes in the past with no protection of the Pops. It's been random lately. I get some in cardboard sorters and some in plastic protectors. This time, the package got delayed, somehow, it got sent to Richmond and then stopped for a while. The delivery date got delayed several times before finally showing up in California. I don't know exactly what happened but it did finally get here. Ladybug has a beat up box. All the boxes were loose in a box without any packaging protection. Jet Black had a sidewise head but I tilted it back, the plastic insert is wonky and he kind of stands tilted. Also, the box is slightly beat up. The Lone Survivor came in a plastic protector, at least, but the box was already slightly damaged before that anyway, not terrible though. The Bambi is an Amazon exclusive and was protected by a cardboard sorter and the Art Series pops come in a hard plastic protector. Therefore, it is undamaged.
10/27/2023 Cheap $4 funkos of Joanna from Office Space and Bugsy Wingnut from the Monsters collection. I was early for work by mistake and found these two in Barnes & Noble. I was thinking about finding a monster pop recently and this one was kind of cool. Sort of a like a bat. Then I saw Joanna and thought that Office Space is probably not available much, in-store at least, and decided $4 was worth it. I was tempted to buy the Owlbear from Dungeons and Dragons, but meh. I need to slow down on purchases.
10/26/2023 - New York City 2023 Fall Convention Funko Pops & More Arrived
The limited edition Fall Convention Funkos were available to order earlier this month, and these were the ones I decided to order. The Dark Magician Girl wasn't showing up correctly on the funko website so I ended up ordering it directly from the shared retailer, ToyTokyo. The sticker on her box is actually different from the others and adds more value to the pop.
Ichigo - Bleach - Animation
Harley Quinn - WB 100 - Heroes (The 20th Harley Quinn I've collected)
Garfield - Nickelodeon - Comics (My first comics category?)
Dark Magician Girl - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Animation
In addition to these I ordered three more Pops! from the Dragonball Z and Dragonball Super line. I wasn't collecting any of the characters for a long time but decided to change that since it was my first real Anime experience.
10/25/2023 - Collected blacklight Emily from Corpse Bride. Ordered from Amazon.
10/24/2023 - Collected Boba Fett from Star Wars, at Burlington and Rhaenyra Targaryen from House of the Dragon, at Five Below, while in Charlottesville.