11/17/2023 The Fall of the House of Usher
I am a sucker for patterns and themes. This show is a medley of Poe's work with each episode having a theme and readable pattern. It also seems like a way to shed some light on prescription drug abuse. Anyway, this was a dark vibe show, with death and crime. I enjoyed watching each episode and wanted to binge it but spread them out anyway. Didn't dislike anything about it.
11/17/2023 Upload Season 3
Another fun show to me. I finished it again and it ended on a cliffhanger, again. So they will have to make another season. It's not like it's anyone's favorite show but it's definitely unique enough and has built up the characters and the actors aren't half bad either. The production quality is good. Really, I like shows that are put together well, don't we all? That's really the biggest thing for me when it comes to a show. Is the acting, okay? Is the audio bearable? Are the cameras doing a good job. So really, is the director able to capture some quality content? If that's good, I can almost overlook the writing on a show, as long as the plot is something interesting. There are a few shows that I put up with even if one aspect is off, because one of the other parts are carrying the show. The acting in From was B rated at best, but the plot was worth it and eventually the acting smooths out a bit, not all the way, but the plot just gets even more interesting. With Upload, I'd say it was the acting at first, but that really smoothed out completely for me. It's a good show for what it is. It's funny, a little silly, nothing too serious. The headless people moments are probably the darkest thing. The story is pretty simple between the characters. It's not a drama with a suspenseful undertone. It's a comedy with some drama.
11/17/2023 Loki Season 2
Available on Disney+. I loved Season 1 of Loki and was excited to start watching Season 2. I love the characters and plot of the show. Tom Hiddleston is great. Owen Wilson does a fine job as Mobius. Sylvie, I forget the actress's name but she's fun, too. There wasn't as much between them for this season. The first season was mostly about trying to stop Sylvie. Season 2 was about trying to stop the impending destruction of all the timelines. The whole show was fun, almost like a Doctor Who type vibe, and then the incredible ending. What a ride. Funko announced a new pop from the show every Friday as the show aired. There are all the common pops, Victor Timely, Rennslayer with Miss Minutes, Sylvie, Loki, Mobius, O.B. Ouroboros or O.B. is the only common I really need, and Victor Timely. There will be an exclusive 2-pack of Loki with Mobius from the episode of them travelling back to an old western like place. Then they gave target a preorder for Don, who is Mobius's variant, on a jet ski in a showroom because we finally see that Mobius's variant is a Personal Watercraft Salesman, it was something that carried over from Season 1. Lastly, they prolonged the release of the finale's funko pop which is labelled as a exclusive. So it won't be available for pre-order and will be released closer to the release of the others, maybe late December, but before early January for sure. It's a deluxe pop, like Don on the jet ski, so it costs $30. It's probably the best scene ever but it could have been made to look cooler, it's missing some important aspects from the show. I told myself, it'll be the last pop I get. Which is a lie, but I'm definitely focusing less on the common pops since they can end up being super cheap once they've been out for a while.
The end of Loki just sets up more Multiverse stuff for later. I'm not even entirely sure how it works. There are some timelines left, but they're not branching off anymore? Or maybe they are, I don't know right now. It just looked really cool when it all happened.